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Joining the Halifax County Arts Council has never been easier.
Art is always relevant, but not always accessible. When you join the Halifax County Arts Council your donation goes directly to work allowing The Gallery @ 1027 to operate and offer monthly, free of charge, open to the public events. The montage of images below is a collection of monthly event announcement postcards. Members receive one monthly as an aesthetically pleasing reminder of the upcoming event. Click the link below to access a list of QR Codes. Scan the QR Code that suites your desired level of membership and your application will appear.

Highlights from
Where History Meets Art
Alex Howerton
Metal Artist
Midgard Forge & Ironworks, owner
with a
tasting of spiritous offerings from
Weldon Mills Distillery
Saturday, November 4, 2023
The Bradford-Denton House
110 David Street, Halifax, NC 27839
monthly * free * open to the public * tasty nibbles * accessible Art
Where History Meets Art
Halifax County Arts Council
in partnership with
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